
Spongebob i dunno
Spongebob i dunno


Krabs rushes out of his office, scoops up the loose change, and begins washing it off in the sink.


  • The episode is kickstarted when Squidward, frustrated at having to work a full shift on a Sunday despite a complete lack of customers, slams down the cash register and accidentally opens the drawer, sending the contents spilling everywhere.
  • And who ends up tying SpongeBob's shoes in the end? Gary! His pet.who doesn't have any feet.
  • Gary roaring like a lion to get SpongeBob's attention.
  • The Flying Dutchman demonstrating the "Poop Loop" shoelace trick.
  • Among the Flying Dutchman's knot examples, "The Monkey Chain! The Monkey's Fist! THE MONKEY!!".
  • "And stop starin' at me with them big ol' eyes!" ( SpongeBob continues staring but his eyes shrink to the size of quarters.).

    SpongeBob: (finally loses it) DOESN'T ANYBODY KNOW HOW TO TIE A KNOOOOOOOOT?! Painty: Arrgh! I be just a paintin' of a head! SpongeBob: (panics and runs off to Jellyfish Fields, where he finds a group of jellyfish) Could any of you show me how to tie my laces? (the jellyfish sting him in a blaze of electricity next, he lifts a rock to reveal a group of sea urchins) Could you, you, you, you, you, or you show me how to tie a knot? (the sea urchins scatter next, he addresses a pair of eyes looking out of a cave mouth) Could you show me how to tie a simple knot? (the pair of eyes suddenly turns into dozens of eyes, revealing a monster who gulps down SpongeBob in one bite he finds a fisherman's skeleton in the monster's mouth) Could you show me how to tie my shoes? (the monster fires SpongeBob through his blowhole he lands on the picture of Painty the Pirate from the opening credits) Could you show me how to tie my shoes? (in a wider shot, we see that she is indeed an eel she tickles SpongeBob's nose with her tail) SpongeBob: (runs up to another customer) Could you show me how to tie my shoes?Ĭustomer: Well, I would, but. SpongeBob: (gasps, then runs up to Krusty Krab customer) Could you show me how to tie my shoes?Ĭustomer: (points toward floor) Uh, fins? (SpongeBob looks at the customer's bare fins, then runs off) (shot of Krabs' bare feet accompanied by dramatic musical sting) SpongeBob: (brightening) So you'll show me how?

    spongebob i dunno spongebob i dunno

    SpongeBob: I've forgotten how to tie my shoes.

    Spongebob i dunno